A person who hides behind the computer and hide who they are they are hiding for a reason.
What They Do…
They use other people’s pictures because they come from a third world country that is known for scamming, go figure. Even if they’re not scammers, the fact that you’re using other people pictures makes you look like a scammer, therefore you will be labeled as a scammer.
They like to send screenshots of withdrawals instead of simply doing a video showing them doing drawers from their back office.
They used the excuse of their camera doesn’t work or they’re too busy.
It’s 2023, you seem to be making a lot of money yet you can’t afford to get electronics that work and if crypto keeps you so busy that you can’t do one video showing your face, saying your name and talking about your company then it’s not what I want to get into. I’m looking for time freedom.
Maybe you don’t have the time because you’re messaging the same message to multiple people all day long on social media but if you was to do one video saying everything you about to type you’ll saved much more time.
One thing that’s kind of weird is that they’re trying to build their business so they can earn “8% to 10%” referral bonuses yet refuse to use a system that will help them do so, that don’t make sense.
The Lesson I Learned…
Always be open and show people who you are. People join people they know, like and trust.
Video is extremely powerful because people can see you and hear you. I’m not referring to video calls but simply posting regular updated videos to Facebook and/or YouTube so people can get a sense of and see who you are.
Just posting screenshots of you making money isn’t enough, share content that you teach people how they can do it themselves to attract those who are open and interested.
Share value out into the marketplace and attract people to want to know more about what you have to offer.