Hello my name is Michael Petty.
I’m a married family man and homebody.
My fun is my family, not a lot of hobbies.
What I do revolves around my family, even being selfish in what I do because they’ll still benefit from what I’m selfishly going to accomplish.
I started my affiliate marketing journey in 2019. I was in and out of MLM for years, in MLM I struggled in the beginning, found a mentor, started making sales but my team struggled to get sales and reps… people join quit and it trickled up the line.
What brought my MLM journey to an end was I went to a conference in Florida to see 3 Top Earners, 7 figure earners and what I learned was what they was teaching to build a business in the company was not how they was really building their businesses. They taught duplication but at this conference they told a different story to how they were really building.
One speaker said something that stuck with me and made me realize that I wasn’t going to be successful in the business. Now this isn’t exactly what he said but WHAT I HEARD WAS…
“Unless you have built it before and have grown… it’s not going to happen for you.”
What he meant was you have to grow into that person who was able to do it and I knew I wasn’t there yet. So I quit promoting MLM but stayed plugged into training info.
I found some people who kept it real and I begin to hear stuff I haven’t heard before. These were affiliate marketers. What they said made LOTS of sense based on what I saw in MLM. I learned what affiliate marketing was about and it was what I was truly looking for. Found an online marketing system and opportunity that I Love and learned a lot.

I’m home and ready to help others win in creating their own cash flow online.
Michael Petty
Tel: 1 404.997.3390
Email: thepettyscorner@gmail.com