I went to a conference years ago in Florida with a MLM company I was promoting at the time, they had the top three income earners in the company speaking. To make a long story short I learned that what these top leaders tell you to do during company meetings is not what they’re doing…
Author: Michael Petty
I Have to Think About It
Overcoming the “I Have to Think About It” Objection in Network Marketing: Believe in Yourself and Your Mentor One of the most common objections you’ll encounter in network marketing is the seemingly benign, “I have to think about it.” While it sounds reasonable at first glance, this objection is often a polite deferral rather than…
Grow For Success
Growing Mentally and Building a Resilient Mindset for Your Online Business Embarking on the journey of launching and nurturing an online business is as much about self-development as it is about economic gain. Growing mentally and building a strong mindset are crucial components that determine the sustainability and success of your entrepreneurial endeavors. Coupled with…
Build Yourself, Build Your Business
Knowing Your Mindset: The Key to Personal Growth and Business Success In the quest for business success, entrepreneurs often focus on external strategies, marketing tactics and network expansion. However, one of the most crucial factors influencing both personal well-being and professional success is the mindset with which you approach these tasks. Understanding your mindset, working…
How To Guarantee Success
Guaranteeing Success: The Role of Divine Dependence In a world filled with self-help books, motivational seminars, and personal success stories, the concept of depending on God for success might seem old-fashioned or even overlooked. However, for many, the spiritual dimension of success is not only relevant but essential. Let’s explore how integrating faith into our…