I came across many people offering Facebook Engagement courses. Some with hundreds of engagements and some with little (just starting) teaching on how to build it… but is it really that complex?
Some people want those engagements because they see it as people being interested in what they have to share, a dopamine hit. When most people are engaging to get engagement. That’s the purpose right, give what you want.
If you see me engage on a post it’s because I like shat I saw not just for you to come and engage on my post. Engaging on others post brings attention to you so it’s in your best interest to keep your engagements real and not just engage to get that back. That eventually will come off fake and people will be able to tell. People are smarter that you think.
People cypher through their list and delete those who aren’t actively engaging. As they engage on others post they are adding to their list the people that are engaging on that same post because they’re showing action. As you build your list of active friends, when someone see how much engagement you’re getting, it tells that person that you’re someone they need to follow.
From time to time you reach out to people to say hello personally to them in messenger, not to make sales but to see how they’re doing. Shoot the $h!t for a little… building that trust. I my personal opinion this is more effective when you do it on their post because it’s open. More people see it and some people guards go up when in messenger. They’re waiting to the pitch.
This is when the selling become easier for you. You have worked your list to 5000 active friends, you post and your friends see hundreds of likes and comments (making you look popular), you post a value pack post and indirectly ask if others want to have your same results, Of course they do… they reply and the magic happens in the DM’s. Take them to a funnel and you eventually make sales.

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