Don’t accept every friend request you get. There are many important reasons not to. Not that you’re better than anyone but it can hurt your brand. People pay attention to who you’re connected to.
Many believe that in order to grow, you should add as many friends as possible and yes you want to get to 5000 friends but you need 5000 quality friends.
Quality trumps quantity every time.
Here are some reasons you shouldn’t accept every friend request you get.
Lower Engagement Rates. You want to keep friends who are actually interested in your content. Just because they’re are in your niche doesn’t mean that they’re high quality. Some people will send a request just to promote to you and not provide any value whatsoever.
Ghost Friendships. You only want to accept friends who you can help and/or those who can help you. Somebody has to benefit even in a small way. You want to unfriend those who are just taking up space.
Spam/Bad Intentions/Time Wasters. This is very broad. It includes anyone talking to you about pointless subjects, trying to get your personal info, scams, people adding just to ask for donations, fake dating accounts, etc. They are only going to waste the most valuable resource that you have, which is time.
One thing you can do is start a conversation with them before accepting their request. Go through they content and see if you’re interested in what they’re sharing. Check your message request before accepting friend request. Some will send a message along with a request.

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