Doesn’t matter how much you know, what matters is how much of what you know did you use.
A baker knows how to bake, but it means nothing unless he steps in that kitchen.
A writer may have a great imagination, but what is it until it gets on paper.
This might hit a nerve… having knowledge about stats, names, yardage, how much they get paid, how long they been in the league, when they came into the league doesn’t mean a thing unless you’re on TV behind that desk with others discussing it for pay.
The worst thing you can say is “I already know that.” when someone who has what you want is trying to teach you something. Apparently based on the subject if you already know that, then why don’t you have success.
Some people get bored at repetitious actions. When you find something that works, don’t change it. Successful people get very good at doing what’s boring.
If you have knowledge on a specific subject, find a way to use that knowledge to better your life.

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