I get this question all the time. I don’t understand why a person request a free system by entering their email address and not check their email. YES, it’s free. PS. Are you open to learning a Super Simple Way to Make Money online? Use My Free System
Free Traffic vs Paid Traffic, Which Is Better?
Which is better between free traffic and paid traffic? Even though paid traffic is much faster and you can build a list of prospects fast, free organic traffic is more powerful. Paid traffic maybe fast but its cold traffic from someone else’s list that may have seen many offers. With free organic traffic people can…
Online Marketing Training Products, Simple Marketing Strategies.
These are the products I promote and the traffic sources that are great for these type of programs. PS. Are you open to learning a Super Simple Way to Make Money online? Use My Free System
Alpha Marketer VS Beta Marketer
We need to think on an Alpha Marketer mindset level. Beta marketers want free opportunities, want to just help and share information. Alphas want to sell. Where your focus is, that’s what you’re going to get. Alphas want to help too but selling is on our minds also. The beta want to sell too, that’s…
Facebook Marketing, Sending Friend Request
Why pitching in Facebook Messenger don’t work and how to build rapport. Use F.O.R.M. – Family Occupation Recreation Money, to help with your conversation with people. Don’t have to be in that order, Sending friend request just to pitch your business is like talking to someone for 5 minutes and asking for their hand in…