You can’t change people.
You just can’t.
They will end up draining all the life force and productive energy from you like a vampire.
They’ll position themselves as the victim while you’re the one to blame.
Energy vampires.
Not worth it.
It’ll drive you nuts. You’re seriously think something is wrong with you, because they fly back and forth from “loving and adorable, to freaking psycho neurotic” on you every few days. You’ll feel like YOU are the crazy one.
You’re not.
It’s part of narcissism.
And you can’t do shit about that.
It’s their mess and they know it.
You’re just the new host organism they’ve landed on like a parasite.
Learn this and adjust before it’s too late.
Stop sacrificing your life and stop martyring yourself in the hopes people will change.
Focus on YOUR change.
Focus on building YOUR peace of mind and YOUR life style…
…let those who organically and authentically fit inside that frame: in.
Can’t save everyone my friend.
Save you.
Join the Simple Freedom Club here.
It’s about MINDSET and SKILL SET.
We teach and focus on both.
The desired outcome of your membership in our club is to create:
Cash Flow Independence and Time Freedom.
We’ve been teaching how for 20 years full time.
We are side hustle experts.
Build it from home while you work on your job or career.
Increase your own value, stack cash flow, build your own life style.
Review the club and join me here.