Post from Shawn Powell
I have so many things I could say about these topics. I had lots of things I had to get over and change before I would allow myself to succeed. Some listed here were from day one and others farther along the path to succeeding. The second one kind of surprised me a little. You always work for it and it is your goal but what happens when you actually reach your goal or blow past it?
I was scared the first time I made over $10k in a month online. That is weird to say isn’t it? I had never made that kind of money ever and wasn’t expecting that response. I actually took a two week break from it because of it. I had to learn to accept it and let it sink in for me. I knew and believed that I could get there. But when it happened, it did scare me. Somehow it made what I was doing more real. And if you don’t know it is about you figuring things out and what works for you and the way that you apply action. I was working 65 hours a week in a restaurant and had just gotten free from my job about that time. My new goal was to hit $7k in a month online. I had seen another marketer I knew do it and that was my new goal for myself. It was on my refrigerator and everything. I was focusing and putting the work in on Youtube and Facebook at that time. Well I actually hit over $13k that next month and I hadn’t really done anything different than I had when I was making $4k a month or so. Just had a goal set for myself this time. But after that break, and learning to accept it, that’s when the real money started coming. Shortly after I was having $40k plus months to the bank. And it didn’t bother me this time. God had already gotten me ready for it. I’m glad I had that break or it really would have scared the mess out of me with months like that for sure. Just something I wouldn’t have ever thought I would have to overcome..
When I focused at my goal, I put my head down and I didn’t look up at all to where I was at. I learn to stop looking at the money, join a business I truly believe in, put the work in even when the money isn’t there yet. And just let go..BE SINCERE! Let people connect with you, the person that loves that business and enjoy what they do.. And be accessible… that is honestly all I ever did, and still do..
It wasn’t easy for me at the beginning either. I am entirely blind in my right eye. I have been since I was 17. I did NOT take pictures, I didn’t like any of my pictures. I didn’t watch videos of me of any sort. I had low self esteem. There is a good 2 decades that you would be lucky to even see a picture of me of any sort. THAT is where I was when I got into online business. God had a lot of work to do with me, you can believe that.
But I had a huge burn in my stomach. And I knew I had to let it out. I had to show others how I felt. And with an old S3 phone, a fb account, this one actually. And a $4 stand I started making videos. It was hard. I remember fighting over sitting in front of the phone at my kitchen table and mashing record. But I wanted my business more than I cared what anyone said or thought. And I did it. A single full time dad to my little boy who was 6 at that time. I was working so many hours my son couldn’t even stay in his own house for half the week. I was working 14 hour days back to back to back, every Th., Fr. and Sat. I missed EVERY field trip with my son at school. I missed so many family get togethers that they actually stopped telling me they were even having them. I wanted to go eat at school with my son. THOSE things are exactly what pushed and motivated me. That with that burn in my stomach. I got free from a job in 6 months from my day one into online business. That was May 7th 2015. My son is almost 14 years old now and I have been home with him every day since that day above. I had a lot of things I had to get over myself. In all honesty, online business is more about getting over your hangups, maybe even your own demons than anything else.
I knew God had a reason for me to have this feeling in me. I just thank God that feeling didn’t go away. When I quit my job, I should have been scared. It was all I had ever done since I was 17 years old. But I wasn’t. I knew that God had me where I needed to be. I just had to grow and keep changing. Keep taking that same path I had been taking. I talk about this in a lot of my videos actually. My first day of me truly realizing I was free. It wasn’t day one. It was several weeks later when I was cutting grass in my own yard. Something I couldn’t even do because of the hours that I worked. I had a new mower that sat in my garage for years. It was actually something that I looked forward to. That day, the sun was on my face and I kept taking deep breathes and looking at the sky. It was beautiful. I remember working so much that I didn’t even get to notice the sky. I did this for so long. I was wearing shorts and sandals and it finally hit me. I had worked for so long and so hard it still took me a month, even working at home online, to get working like that out of my system. That’s what working working 65 plus hours a week for decades does to you..
I never missed another field trip to this day. I went to eat at school with my son everyday from May 7th of 2015 until the end of school that year. I was ALWAYS the only dad there. I think that was when it hit my son that I was free. He would just sit there and hold my arm hugging me and I had to tell him to please eat. It meant a lot to him too.
My videos helped make me get over the hangups I had, for online business and for myself. I have over 1200 Youtube videos now I have done in the past 5 years. I am NOT the same person I was before online business. That is for sure. I just hope that one day God puts that burn into your belly and others enough and you DO get over your hangups and finally go do the things that are needed to change your life. Because I can tell you sincerely, being home everyday with my son for almost 6 years now. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING Beats Freedom!
~Shawn Powell
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PS. Find out what system Shawn Powell uses to build his businesses…
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